
It’s difficult to know where to start with this blog. I want it to be many things – a journal of my son’s early years; a cultural analysis of child-rearing in France; an examination of my own (African-)American ideas, expectations and customs with respect to child-rearing; a place to parse through and better understand my husband’s German customs and beliefs. I want to talk about the practical side of living and raising a child far away from my homeland and family, and the fears I have about raising a kid in a culture – well, two cultures really -- that I don’t fully understand. But beyond all else, I want this blog to be a place where I celebrate the many, many moments that I feel awed and grateful to be exposed to so many different cultures, and delighted that I can offer my child the gift of being able to call everywhere ‘home.’


Laura said…
Dear Barb, I read your entire blog and finally arrived at the first post. Your descriptions of your experiences in France are very interesting to read. I know the feeling of raising a child in a "foreign" country. I spoke German and English with my two girls and they started taking French when they were 10 years old. I read children books to them in all three languages blog.
I am sure your child is especially priviledged, an American mother, a German father and a French environment. How exciting! What a chance for him to feel at ease in three cultures!
All the best!
Barb said…
Thanks Laura! I really appreciate your comments. I certainly hope that my kids feel privileged when they're older. I sure wish I could have learned 3 languages at their age...and not at my current one!

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